Spring Data JPA. 1. Introduction

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Welcome to my course! In sixteen chapters, you’ll learn to harness the power of Spring Data JPA, always with a practical approach. Apart from being a progressive learning tool suitable for all levels, this course also serves as a quick reference guide.

If you’ve never used Spring Data, you’ll have many questions. What problems does it solve? How does it work? In this introductory chapter I give you the answers. Spoiler: Spring Data JPA is the best way to work with relational databases.


Android: Light and Dark Theme Selection with Preferences Screen


The app developed in the tutorial “Android Design: Light and Dark Theme with Material Components” features both a light and a dark theme—but it has a flaw. Users can only switch themes by turning Android’s dark or power-saving modes on and off. In this tutorial, I’ll explain how to create a theme selector like the one that WhatsUp —and many other popular apps— provides.


Android: Light & Dark Theme with Material Components


In essence, a dark theme displays mostly dark surfaces with lodw light. It contrasts with light themes, where white backgrounds and light surfaces predominate.

What are the advantages of dark themes? How are they implemented in Android? Can a light and a dark theme live together in the same app? In this post I give you the answers. A second part explains how to create a preferences screen with a theme selector. The approach is purely technical—we’ll talk about code, not graphic design.